
Monday, 21 August 2017

AUCTION: Black Beauty in Girl comic

Raymond Sheppard illustrated a little seen strip in Girl comic, a companion for....girls, to the famous Eagle comic begun by Rev Marcus Morris and Frank Hampson, the creator of "Dan Dare".

Heritage Auctions, in the United States, has an original artwork by Sheppard from this strip.

"Black Beauty" by Raymond Sheppard
Girl Volume 1:8, 21 Dec 1951
The series ran from the first issue of Girl on 2 November 1951 (Volume 1: 1) until 29 February 1952 (Volume 1: 18). It was published on the centrespread of the comic (down the left hand column) along with John Ryan's "Lettice Leef" among other features. Ryan, of course was the creator of "Captain Pugwash". As can be seen this is episode 8 of the story by Anna Sewell.

This gives me the opportunity to show you all the pictures I have of this series. If anyone wants to share any other parts, I'd be enormously grateful

Part of the original centrespread for Girl Volume 1:1
Girl 23 Nov 1951 Volume 1:4
Original art from an eBay picture of issue 7

Issue 7 artwork
Unknown episode

The auction ends on Sunday 27 August and I'll record here how much it sells for

Black Beauty Girl Volume 1: 8
WHERE?: Heritage Sunday Internet Comics Auction #121735
LOT #: 14103 
ENDING PRICE:$131.45 (inc. Buyer's Premium) = £101.66
No of bids: 3

END DATE: 27 August 2017


  1. That's a remarkably low price - I'd have bid myself if I thought I stood a chance of getting it for such a reasonable amount!

    1. That's the problems with timing and audience watching at the time. But hey! You have plenty already!! Glad to know you're watching Phil, Best wishes and thanks again Norman
