
Monday, 4 January 2016

Liss Llewellyn Fine Art Sale January 2016

UPDATE: Monday 18 Jan 2016

Other artwork added to the sale and also this blog entry!

The great flight
Lilliput Jan-Feb 1952, Vol. 30(1), issue #176
"The great flight" by 'BB', pp.72-74
 £975  £675

I am almost at the point of being able to get my computer and Raymond Sheppard resources up and running again. Re-plastering a house is a very tiresome thing and if you ever need anyone to persuade you to move out while it's done, contact me!

Paul Liss and Sacha Llewellyn has announced their new year sale and this one contains 27 pieces by Raymond Sheppard. Starting prices begin at £200 and go all the way up to £1,860

I've grouped them together under themes to show them slightly differently than they are presented on the Liss Llewellyn Fine Art page. Click the link under each picture to be taken to the complete description on LLFA. I'm sure I shall get round to writing more about each of the magazine articles below at some point. Watch this space!

Operation Jericho
Lilliput October 1957 Vol. 41(4), issue # 244
by Sandy Sanderson, pp.22
£450  £290
"Q-ships were expendable" by John Prebble
Lilliput September 1957 Vol. 41(3), issue # 243 pp.22-28
£360  £250

H.M.S. Goliath and The end of the Konigsberg
Lilliput November 1957 Vol. 41(5), issue # 245
"End of a sea raider" by Alan Scholfield, pp.20-27
£370  £200

"a ship sunk to block the channel" "The Henry-Farman plane"
Lilliput November 1957 Vol. 41(5), issue # 245
"End of a sea raider" by Alan Scholfield, pp.20-27
£400  £180

"North Sea incident" title page
Lilliput June 1957 Vol. 40(6), issue #240
"North Sea incident" by John Curtis pp.52-58
£780  £495
"The adventures of Rene Cutforth" title page
Lilliput January 1956 Vol. 38(1), issue #223
"The adventures of Rene Cutforth" pp31-33

Leave it to Jones
Young Elizabethan January 1956 Vol.9(1)
"Leave it to Jones" by John Kippax p.21
£1380  £1,000


Serval by Raymond Sheppard
£975  £900 
Study of a tiger by Raymond Sheppard
£1320  £990

Study of a tiger by Raymond Sheppard
£1680  £1,260

Polar bear (glancing right) by Raymond Sheppard
£780  £590
Polar bear (glancing right) by Raymond Sheppard
£660  £500

Study of Cockerels by Raymond Sheppard
£1080  £575

Studies of an Impala  by Raymond Sheppard
Studies of an Impala  by Raymond Sheppard
£1500  £1,200
The following is a beautiful picture of a stag. Sheppard's use of colour is superb, showing depth of perspective, and use of white paper to allow the sun to shine through.
Monarch of the Glen  c. 1935 by Raymond Sheppard
£1140  £860


I really love the child studies and portraits that Sheppard did of his two children Christine and Michael. The one showing Christine drawing at the table is so evocative. Anyone who has had children will have spotted just such a moment.
Self Portrait with the artist's daughter Christine, c.1950
  by Raymond Sheppard
£570  £325 

Two portraits of Christine c.1951
  by Raymond Sheppard
£780  £590
Christine Sketching at the Kitchen, at 25 Dorchester Way, circa 1952
  by Raymond Sheppard

Micheal with toy car, circa 1952 by Raymond Sheppard
£1440  £775

Christine imploring by Raymond Sheppard
£200  £95
The artist's wife Iris listening to the wireless by Raymond Sheppard
£980  £575

Chipperfield Common Herts, circa 1950 by Raymond Sheppard
£900  £400
Chicken roosts, c.1940 by Raymond Sheppard
£590  £410
Groynes and Shoreline by Raymond Sheppard
£290 SOLD
Beach scene (1930s?)
£630  £500
I'd love to know if anyone knows where this is.

Still life of Pueblo Navajo and Apache ceramics, late 1930's
by Raymond Sheppard
£470  £300
Ivory Coast masks from the Natural History Museum 1950's (S|R 58)
by Raymond Sheppard
£410 SOLD
The following ink and watercolour sketch is interesting in the light of Sheppard's extensive illustrations for M.D. Hillyard's Caravan Family series which I'll write about another day.

Caravan in the Woods, dated March 4th 1950 by Raymond Sheppard
£950  £760
And finally, Sheppard produced a few abstract pictures. One wonders if the cancer treatment at the end of his life produced these strange dreamscapes. Liss-Llewellyn have called this "Sea Forms"

Sea Forms, c.1950
£1950  £975
All images copyright © 2015 Liss Llewellyn Fine Art and used with kind permission


  1. A superb artist, Norman, who I don't think I was aware of him until I discovered your blogsite - so thanks for that.

    1. That's the reason for me doing this Kid. Thanks for the feedback, it keeps me (and you too I'm sure) going!

    2. The blog is new to me, as well. It came through your profile. You will know Sheppard trained under S G Boxsius. Members of the family have recently sent me some drawings by him and it's interesting to compare teacher and pupil. Stand by for a post on Modern Printmakers.


    3. Great to hear from you Haji. I really enjoy your blog and see your love of Boxius.
      Did you ever get my photos of my grandmother's German prints?
